
Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Long Telegrams Impact on the Truman Doctrine

pThe long Telegram and Its impact on the Truman teaching George Kennans long conducting wire had many impacts on the American foreign policy. Its influence can be seen directly through the Truman Doctrine in 1947. The Long Telegram influenced Trumans doctrine of containment, and it opened the eyes of many Washington officials as to how insecurityous the Soviets and more specific anyy communism was. George Kennans Long Telegram was a reply as to why the Soviets werent supporting the World Bank and the International Money Fund.At the time, theAmerican view of theSoviet was friendly, yet cautious because theSoviets had beenallied with the US inWWII. The long telegram, which wasreleased to the public in 1947, basically created the behind on which the Cold War stood from the US point of view. By claiming that the Soviets were completely against capitalism, would side with Marxists, and separated from reality, Kennan pose up a standard system of beliefsthat the US would follow through out the Cold War, and even gave ideas as to how to combat the Soviets if need be.The Long Telegram gave the US clear reason to consider war with Russia inevitable. It fostered throw out fear in America of the Soviets by talkingabout howRussia couldnt be trusted and heavy(p) lengths should be taken to ensure the absence of Soviets and their influencein America. The Truman Doctrine was a contribution do to foreign policy by Harry Truman in 1947, after the Long Telegram had come into being. Truman declared, variety of like Wilsons Moral Diplomacy, that it was the US duty to spread democracy and battle communism.Truman asked Congress to range aid to Greece and Turkey. After being ravaged by Germany in WWII,Greece had been about to lose aid from massive Britain Turkey had also depended greatly on the help of the US and Britain. The US wouldhave beenin danger of losing power over the Soviets and in Europe and Asia had Russia gained the two countries. This proves that what George Ken nan wrote helped Truman realize that he needed to help other(a) nations and create the foreign policy.Kennans telegram greatly impacted many other aspects of the Truman doctrine, for example the truman Doctrine all but promised that the United States would resist any Soviet expansion. This refects Kennans advise that the United States must cautiously choose its points of resistance. Kennans notion of containment which was expressed in the Long Telegram was also illustrartes in the Truman Doctrine. George Kennans writings animate America and thanks to the Long Telegram and the Truman Doctrine, America opened their eyes and did what was necessary to not exit themselves to be over ruled by the soviets.

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